Independent School Profiles
At SchoolAdvice, our mission is to help families navigate the often complex landscape of educational choices. We understand that finding the right school is a crucial decision for parents, and we are here to simplify that process. Our platform provides detailed school profiles that give families essential insights into your institution, from academic programs to extracurricular activities.
How SchoolAdvice Helps Schools
Highly trafficked, school profile pages are an important source for families and students seeking information about independent day and boarding schools. Currently over 550 school profiles are published SchoolAdvice. Visitors access profiles via our popular School Finder, or by scrolling the database, and of course by Google searches. Profiles are linked directly to a school’s website.
School Profiles
Relied on by 1000’s of viewers every week, School Profiles are often a first point of contact between family and school. The School Finder is used to discover and learn about 100’s of Independent Schools on SchoolAdvice. A SchoolAdvice Subscription boosts School discovery by adding a ‘Featured School’ status.
Student Recruitment
SchoolAdvice Admission Consultants work directly with families and students worldwide, we are much more than a web portal of school information. We are contracted by and represent families seeking ‘best fit’ independent schools for their children. SchoolAdvice does not accept payment or referral fees from schools.
Guardianship Services
SchoolAdvice works with schools to provide International families with legal guardianship services and assistance with Student VISA’s and Study Permits. Contact us.
Contact SchoolAdvice
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Do you have any questions? Not sure what is the best option for your school? Register your interest by clicking the button below and we’ll get back to you with assistance.
School Directory
Find the Right Independent School in Canada. Scroll and Search 551 Canadian Schools (A-Z)
Click ‘School Name” > Scroll List > Select a School > Click ‘Search’
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About SchoolAdvice
Founded by Michael Hayes in 2007, SchoolAdvice is a team of Professional Educators. Admissions Consultants at SchoolAdvice work with domestic and international families helping them select, apply, and enroll in the “best fit” Independent Schools for their children including a focus on accredited online school programs for grades 1-12. Additionally we provide educational support, family representation, guardianship, and custom tailored services for our family clients.