Live Virtual Events

Private and Independent Schools host events throughout the year. They are critical for connecting with alumnae, current & future families, students, faculty, and community.  It’s time to change up how school communities connect by adding a virtual option to your next live school event. 


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Live Events for Schools

Berlin | Montreal | Calgary | Vancouver | New York | London | Hangzhou | Hong Kong | Singapore  | Capetown | Bratislava 

Physical Events | Limitations & Issues

3 key issues cloud organizing and hosting live school events.
SchoolAdvice offers exciting solutions for staging live virtual events.


Not everyone can attend

Some examples. Busy parents who cannot get away from work. Individuals with disabilities. Parents who cannot leave young children at home. Family members living in distant cites and /or countries.

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Improved Accessibility, Less costly!

Admission officers can invite international prospects to meet with them during an online open house event.  Send free ticket links to families considering your school. With targeted Google Adword campaigns bring international families to the school’s kiosk.  Make the open house a global event!

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Health & Safety

Pandemics & medical concerns

The Covid-19 pandemic has raised anxiety and increased individual’s need for physical distance. Medical conditions and compromised immune systems will reduce participation in traditional events.

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The global pandemic of 2020 is predicted to have long term effects on human behaviour.  Sociologists are forecasting an increasing reluctance to gather in large closely confined groups.  

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Climate change

Events are significant contributors to CO2 emissions, pollution, and wasted food and water. Reducing the carbon footprint and leading by example should be a priority when holding school events.

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Lead by example and demonstrate your school’s commitment to the reduction of carbon emissions.  Many of us have participated in local and distant school expos or international school fairs. All involve travel, print media, and generate considerable waste.

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The SchoolAdvice  Approach

Everyone can experience the same great benefits of physical events with no health risks and reduced environmental impact. 

Live Virtual Events focus purely on what matters:
Connections & Content. 

Live Virtual Events bring school communities together.
Sustainable, carbon-neutral, and online, so everyone can come.

More gatherings. More interactions. More growth. 

Live Virtual School Events


Student Events | Debating, Concerts, Athletics

Faculty Events | Professional Development

Parent / Teacher Interview Sessions

International Student Recruitment

Faculty Recruitment | Job Fairs

Open House | Science Fairs

Fund Raising

We're Here To Help!

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376 Victoria Ave. #200
Westmount, Quebec H3Z 1C3


M-F: 9:00 – 17:00
S-S: By Appointment

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