The Learning Revolution

Custom Fit Solutions
by Katie Nicol | Principal, SchoolAdvice Academy  | [email protected]

The Learning Revolution

It is time to change the conversation on education reform. Established educational institutions and teaching methodologies have reached their limits. It’s time to stop questioning how to improve the governmental system of education and begin to question how we can ensure learning for all students. A revolution in education will only come about through the individual decisions of the many rather than through the broad government mandates that are put in place. More and more, families are taking their children’s learning into their own hands because they acknowledge that schools are no longer capable of meeting the needs of all types of students.

To learn is not just about getting passing grades on tests. Learning has to do with acquiring something of value, sustenance, something that makes you better and becomes an asset for you as you move through life. Learning helps you to realize your potential and helps you to become successful as an individual and as a member of our collective society. Deep learning is essential to every individual’s development. Our current classroom environments are not adequately equipped to engage all types of learners in authentic, individualized learning experiences.

Schools today still follow the same model as years ago with more technology added into the mix. This outdated model forces teachers and students into routines that engages and rewards only certain types of learners while marginalizing others. Schools and classrooms are over extended which makes it nearly impossible for teachers to appropriately address the needs of all learners. Deeply knowing individual students as learners is not something that most schools are equipped to handle nor is it something that is prioritized. Change in how we view learning and education must happen as our communities and our world need all kinds of minds to successfully meet the challenges of tomorrow.
At SchoolAdvice Academy, our advisors and tutors ensure students understand their own learning profiles and personalize the educational process so that each student can become lifelong learners. We cultivate each individual student’s talents rather than focusing on the mass production approach that is a tendency in our current education system. We aim to develop and nurture individual student talent and interests.

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