Bringing Schools & Families Together
Drive Engagement & Enrollmentby Michael Hayes | CEO SchoolAdvice Inc. | [email protected]
SchoolAdvice – Our History
After 30 plus years of teaching and administrative experience in public and private education friends, family, and parents would often ask me about schools and programs for their children. I would provide advice and sometimes contact colleagues working at the schools I had recommended to arrange a meeting with the family. In many cases families enrolled their children at the school. I received much positive feedback from both the families and the schools. As the frequency of requests for advice increased it became obvious that what had begun as merely helpful advice to my contacts was evolving into an education consulting business. So as I neared retirement I began a new career with the launch SchoolAdvice Inc.
In 2015 SchoolAdvice partnered with Sparrow Digital, a leader in web presence and digital marketing. With the the addition of Sparrow Digital, SchoolAdvice is now able to offer it’s school clients expert advice and service in web design, web development, digital marketing, recruitment campaigns and more.
In 2019 SchoolAdvice formed a new partnership with Chuck English of to offer schools a full range of marketing services.
Today SchoolAdvice has grown into an international network of educators working with families, school leadership, and educators in a global setting. We consult with families seeking schools to meet the needs of their children. We build relationships with schools and their leadership teams to learn more so we may provide better advice to our family clients and provide schools services designed to drive engagement, enrollment and strengthen the school brand..
SchoolAdvice versus OurKids, similar but different.
As a Canadian based education consulting service provider, SchoolAdvice is a leader in admissions consulting, international student recruitment, and educational services. With offices in more than ten countries we are unique in our ability to reach and assist families seeking best fit private and independent schools in a global setting. Our audience is an ideal match for the very audience Day and Boarding Schools need to reach.
As a promoter of Private and Independent Schools, the established and recognized leader in Canada is Our Kids Media, a respected source for families seeking information about schools, camps, and retirement services. Ourkids offers schools exposure via print media and annual School Expos where future families can meet with many private schools on a single day. Our Kids Media claims to receive 150,000 visitors to their site each month. We recognize that many prominent Independent and Private Schools maintain listings with and expect they will continue to do so. As a one time private school administrator responsible for advertising and marketing, I know it is difficult to exclude one’s school from a service or medium used by many. FOMO (Fear of Missing out) or concern that your school is not seen along with the other schools listed.
At SchoolAdvice we make is easy and cost effective to include your school. Choose a FREE basic profile listing or a Prime Profile Listing for $500.00 per year. The extras, perks, and advantages of a Prime Profile are extraordinary. If you are looking to increase engagement with your school have a look at some the features are listed in the table below.
SchoolAdvice receives 20,000 visitors monthly and expects to double that number over the course of 2019. SchoolAdvice does not provide print media or school expos options to schools. SchoolAdvice is entirely focused on pre-university education and staffed by qualified and experienced educators, familiar with education programs and offerings across Canada and the USA. Our visitors are able to connect with education consultants in real time via live chat. This invariably leads to high conversions. During a live chat session or free 30 minute video conference a SchoolAdvice consultant will often suggest specific schools to family clients.
A part of our mission is to provide as much information as possible to families seeking information about schools, SchoolAdvice publishes many basic school profiles free of charge. And while we offer schools a paid Prime Profile with features that extend beyond the those offered by our competition, we do so at a cost far below that of the competition.
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